Wednesday, October 23rd
7:30AM - 8:30AM (1 hour)
Plenty of Room Available
This is a HOT class. Our Hot classes are 85-90 degrees and available to students 18 and over. There are cooler areas of the room for those sensitive to heat. This class is for all levels but if you are brand new to yoga we recommend taking a beginner class first.

All our hot classes use infrared heat. Infrared is the direct transfer of heat from the heater to the object (you and the room around you) without heating the air in between. It’s the same heat we feel from an environment warmed by the sun, and the wavelength most efficiently absorbed by the body. Infrared heat is known for its therapeutic effects and is typically more comfortable than other heating modalities.

Your own mat and props are encouraged. Mats and props are also available for purchase or to borrow.

We strongly recommend you register in advance, class size is limited.
Jillian's love for somatic healing grew while she was losing her Mom to cancer. It was a turning point in her young adult life and she fixated on her spirituality to navigate through the grief. Losing her Mom was quite literally like losing a part of herself. The only way she could begin to identify as Jillian rather than solely Jillian, daughter of Elona, and fully move through her pain was through all of the work she did on her mat. She found her intuition on the mat. She discovered her voice, her message, and her power on the mat.

Today, Jillian utilizes twenty-eight years of wisdom as a guiding healer in the somatics world. She is grief & trauma-sensitive with deep knowledge in alignment. Her yoga lineage of training stems from the late Maty Ezraty at Yoga Works and is a blend of Hatha and Iyengar. In addition to facilitating yoga, sound, breathwork, and reiki, Jillian is also an intuitive mentor specializing in life purpose, transformational trauma, and neuro-linguistic programming.

See Jillian's Upcoming Classes
Cancelation Policy
  • Your account must have class credits or an active membership in order to register for a class online.
  • Class credits are deducted from your account immediately upon registration, and won't be available for use in person.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration more than 2 hours before class you will receive your class credit back.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration less than 2 hours before class you will NOT receive your class credit back.
  • If you have an unlimited membership, and do not show up or cancel less than 2 hours before class you will be assessed a $5 cancelation fee or lose a day of your membership (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • Cancelation fees may be automatically drafted from your card on file (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • If you are not checked in 5 minutes before class, your space may be given away to drop in customers waiting for room.
Student Login

New Student or Forgot Password?

This is a new login system, your mindbody credentials will not work here, you might need to register as a new student.