Friday, January 24th
9:30AM - 10:30AM (1 hour)
Class Is Canceled
Suitable for all levels.
Start your weekend early with this playful class. Release all the pent up emotions with a juicy dynamic yoga flow. Class with end with a short meditation.
Cancelation Policy
  • Your account must have class credits or an active membership in order to register for a class online.
  • Class credits are deducted from your account immediately upon registration, and won't be available for use in person.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration more than 2 hours before class you will receive your class credit back.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration less than 2 hours before class you will NOT receive your class credit back.
  • If you have an unlimited membership, and do not show up or cancel less than 2 hours before class you will be assessed a $5 cancelation fee or lose a day of your membership (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • Cancelation fees may be automatically drafted from your card on file (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • If you are not checked in 5 minutes before class, your space may be given away to drop in customers waiting for room.
Student Login

New Student or Forgot Password?

This is a new login system, your mindbody credentials will not work here, you might need to register as a new student.