Hatha Flow Lymphatic Drainage
with Judy
Thursday, March 6th
5:30PM - 6:30PM (1 hour)
This Class Already Happened
Yoga for Lymphatic Health - All Levels are Welcome, appropriate for Beginners!

The lymphatic system is one of the most important and least talked about systems of the human body. It works hard to fight and release toxins and impurities in the body.
It is essential to vibrant health and wellness.

Signs of a congested Lymphatic System include: Brain fog, Breast swelling or soreness with each cycle, Bloating/Holding on to water, Dry, Itchy skin, Weight gain/extra belly fat, Inability to lose weight, Cellulite, Elevated histamine and irritation due to common environmental allergens, Mild rash or acne, Soreness and/or stiffness in the morning, Feeling tired, Swollen glands, Low immunity, Mild headaches, Occasional constipation, diarrhea and/or mucus in the stool, Recurrent sore throats, Morning mucus, Mucous drainage (especially after dairy or flour), Fluid backup in the ear (especially in children), Ear popping and ringing, Reduced ability to fight infection (frequent cold or flu), swelling, or heaviness in extremities, Arms or hands fall asleep while sleeping, Pain, pressure or stiffness along your spine and shoulders...

Join us for this informative, experiential and supportive detox journey.
Judy completed her 200-hour yoga training through The Essential Journey in the summer of 2020, but her curiosity began decades earlier with the Hatha Yoga teachings of her first instructor, Margabandhu Martarano of the Integral Yoga Institute of New Jersey. Over the years she has sampled a variety of yoga classes and continues to learn and grow with each instruction. She is currently registered with Yoga Alliance, where she participates in continued professional development opportunities that support her yoga teaching and practice.

See Judy's Upcoming Classes
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  • Your account must have class credits or an active membership in order to register for a class online.
  • Class credits are deducted from your account immediately upon registration, and won't be available for use in person.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration more than 2 hours before class you will receive your class credit back.
  • If you register with class credits and cancel your registration less than 2 hours before class you will NOT receive your class credit back.
  • If you have an unlimited membership, and do not show up or cancel less than 2 hours before class you will be assessed a $5 cancelation fee or lose a day of your membership (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • Cancelation fees may be automatically drafted from your card on file (unlikely, and at the discretion of Greenwood Lake Yoga management).
  • If you are not checked in 5 minutes before class, your space may be given away to drop in customers waiting for room.
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