Heating Emergency
Our primary heating system is completely frozen and out of service.
All classes on January 21st and 22nd are canceled while we attempt to thaw our pipes.
Further cancellations will be announced here and on social media.
All memberships will be extended the duration of this unfortunate closure.
New Student Registration

This form is for new students only, if you're already registered, click here to login...

If you signed up as a student in our studio and don't have a password yet, head over to our forgotten password form.

Notice: We've learned that Yahoo, Hotmail and some other email services are blocking our automated messages; we're working with our email provider to resolve these issues.
Until then- if you do not receive an activation email, please email us for a manual activation link.

First Name:
Use your legal first name, this is for our student waiver.
Last Name:
Legal last name here too!
Preferred First/Nickname:
If you go by a different first name than your legal name, enter it here!
Email Address:
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
We wont ever call you at work.
This optionally helps us identify incoming calls and look up your info.
Gender Identity
We need to know your birth year for waiver/legal reasons, but we wont tell anyone!
How did you hear about us?
If it's a friend, tell us their name!
Are you a robot?
I don't want no bots
A bot is a script that can't get no accounts from us
Hangin' out the client side of a hacker's ride
Trying to sign up right here