Heating Emergency
Our primary heating system is completely frozen and out of service.
All classes on January 21st and 22nd are canceled while we attempt to thaw our pipes.
Further cancellations will be announced here and on social media.
All memberships will be extended the duration of this unfortunate closure.
New Year Chakra Aligning w/ Sarah Snider
$8.00 Rental — Active for 48 Hours
Taking a moment for myself to reset is something I do every New Year’s Eve, so I decided that this year I would share it with you. This class can be viewed live online or watched on demand to best fit your New Year plans. This class will combine movement and meditation, please bring any ritual items you like to use such as crystals, sage, journaling, ect. although nothing is required other than yourselves. We will spend time focusing on each chakra to help bring ourselves into balance for the year ahead. To take this class all you have to do is log in to www.greenwoodlakeyoga.com anytime New Years Eve or later, the class will be live at 12pm but you can access it afterwords. If you are not currently a student of Greenwood Lake Yoga you will need to create an account.

By renting this title you will have access to the video for 48 hours from the moment of purchase or beginning of live stream (whichever is later).

This video has not been professionally edited, and is a recording of the actual, live-streamed class.

Any network interruptions and glitches that occured during the class may have been recorded.

You must be logged in to view this title.
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